OH! And something for your list: Portraits to Dream In at the National Portrait Gallery - I found it inspiring!

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Oh brilliant, thank you. I will pop along. I've a much underused membership to the National Gallery and have been promising myself to go soon - I'll do both, perhaps, punctuated by tea and cake.

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I really enjoy reading your posts and can totally relate! :)

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Oh thank you so much and yes, your ethos/vibe/can't think of the right word completely resonated with me.

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Apr 8Liked by Susie Sandford Smith

Thanks for the brokedirtyblonde tip - now following!

I guess take it slow, step by small step, get your back better, then you can really throw yourself back into everything. Onwards and upwards!

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Apr 7Liked by Susie Sandford Smith

A LOT of this resonated! I don’t know where to start!

One thing I did to cheer myself up was post 1x a day on Instagram. Had to be something nice I did - could be a book, a cafe I’d been meaning to try (I keep a list) or a matinee at the cinema. Just to keep a record and make me try.

I’m also working on health, at least a bit.

I have bought a silly mesh top with smiley faces on it. I’m tired of hard-working practical classics!

Re: crochet. Do you follow Bethany Rutter? I’d have agreed with you about crochet for blankets only but she makes great stuff. She’s also a v inspiring Londoner. Always doing and sharing lots of lovely, not prohibitively expensive things to do.

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Oh Hilary, thank you for taking the time to reply! And also, thank you for the reply (if you see what I mean?).

Would love to see the silly mesh top, it sounds perfect. Do you follow Brokedirtyblonde? She's massively inspiring me at the moment (not so as you can tell outwardly yet) to push my boundaries and embrace fun a bit more.

Feels like we should swap lists - though mine needs a bit of attention.

And thank you for the Bethany tip, I hadn't heard of her and yes, the crochet is good - I like the last jumper she put up before pausing to master knitting.

I'm thinking of resurrecting A middle-aged Londoner properly - not sure what that means yet but, as it's all about getting out and doing things and enjoying life, resurrection seems like a good idea.

Don't think I've ever managed to post daily for more than about three days. I like the idea though, feels sort of like a visual gratitude diary. I've been allowing myself to post less that good pictures recently (you may not have seen a difference but I was spending quite a lot of time trying to produce good images) and that's been freeing.

Here's to our better health!

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